World's first social streaming media player Google reveals Nexus Q Before executives took the stage at Google’s I/O Conference for a keynote earlier today, the company revealed a new media streaming device called the Nexus Q. Described on the Google Play product page as the first social streaming media player, the orb-shaped unit is able to stream music, HD movies, TV shows and YouTube videos to your home theater system or stereo system using Google Play. The device is controlled by your Android phone or tablet but content is pulled directly from the cloud. Google believes that music is often best enjoyed with friends, so to differentiate itself from similar streaming media offerings and drive that point home, Google infused Nexus Q with social capabilities. The company describes it as a cloud-connected jukebox where everyone brings their own music to the party. Nexus Q allows friends to create a single playlist that everyone has access to. Anyone in the group can move song...
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